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Com passar de "mailbox" a "maildir"He de dir que portava temps intentant migrar de mailbox a maildir, ja que m'havia fet amb diversos scripts per fer-ho, i cap havia funcionat correctament.
#!/usr/bin/perl # # mbox2maildir: coverts mbox file to maildir directory - the reverse of # maildir2mbox from the qmail distribution. # # Usage: mbox2maildir uses the same environment variables as maildir2mbox: # MAILDIR is the name of your maildir directory; MAIL is the name of your # mbox file; MAILTMP is ignored. MAIL is deleted after the conversion. # # WARNING: there is no locking; don't run more than one of these! you # have been warned. # # based on convert-and-create by Russell Nelson <nelson(arrova)> # kludged into this by Ivan Kohler <ivan(arrova)> 97-sep-17 # modified by Christian Peraferrer <corellian(arrova)> 05-jan-7 require ''; local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE'; ($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwuid($<); die "fatal: home dir $dir doesn't exist\n" unless -e $dir; &Stat($dir); die "fatal: $name is $uid, but $dir is owned by $st_uid\n" if $uid != $st_uid; chdir($dir) or die "fatal: unable to chdir to $dir\n"; $spoolname = "$ENV{MAILDIR}"; -d $spoolname or mkdir $spoolname,0700 or die("fatal: $spoolname doesn't exist and can't be created.\n"); chdir($spoolname) or die("fatal: unable to chdir to $spoolname.\n"); -d "tmp" or mkdir("tmp",0700) or die("fatal: unable to make tmp/ subdir\n"); -d "new" or mkdir("new",0700) or die("fatal: unable to make new/ subdir\n"); -d "cur" or mkdir("cur",0700) or die("fatal: unable to make cur/ subdir\n"); open(SPOOL, "<$ENV{MAIL}") or die "Unable to open $ENV{$MAIL}\n"; $i = time; while(<SPOOL>) { if (/^From/) { $fn = sprintf("new/%d.$$.mbox", $i); open(OUT, ">$fn") or die("fatal: unable to create new message"); $i++; next; } s/^>From/From/; print OUT or die("fatal: unable to write to new message"); } close(SPOOL); close(OUT); unlink("$ENV{MAIL}"); Per fer-ho més senzill us podeu baixar l'script: $ chmod +x mbox2maildir Un cop fet això, per executar l'script s'han de definir unes variables d'entorn, $ export MAIL=/var/spool/mail/$USER $ export MAILDIR=$HOME/.maildir/ i seguidament ja estarem preparats per executar l'script: $ ./mbox2maildir Si tot ha anat bé, i no ha donat cap error, ja hauriem de tenir el correu que teniem en format mailbox al nostre Qualsevol dubte o suggerencia, ho podeu deixar com a comentari. Ja que personalment vaig tenir un altre problema a l'hora de convertir-ho però que se surt de l'objectiu d'aquest article.
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y al revés...
A mi me ocurrió hace no mucho que necesitaba el paso contrario, convertir una serie de directorios maildir a formato mbox, en concreto era para poder recuperar un monton de mails que tenía en una m@¡quina vieja en la que estaba usando Kmail, y que quería organizar con hypermail (muy útil), el cual solo admite ficheros mbox...
El script en cuestión lo encontré aquí